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Realtime notifications

Stay updated, instantly.

Instant alerts on document interactions

Never miss a beat with AttachDoc’s instant notifications. Every view, download, or share triggers a real-time alert, ensuring you’re always informed of the latest activity. Whether you’re tracking the progress of a project, monitoring sensitive information, or awaiting critical feedback, our real-time notifications mean you’re always in the loop.

Instant alerts on document interactions

Easy integrate with Slack or Telegram

Integration is key for a seamless workflow, and AttachDoc offers effortless synchronization with popular communication tools like Slack and Telegram. This integration allows you to receive updates in the platforms you already use for team communication, streamlining your process and consolidating your notifications into your preferred channels.

Easy integrate with Slack or Telegram

Daily reports across all your data

Beyond real-time alerts, gain a broader perspective with AttachDoc’s daily reports. These summaries provide an overarching view of the day’s activities across all your documents, giving you a detailed report of interactions, user engagement, and document performance.

Daily reports across all your data


Advanced features professionals will love

Our advanced features are designed to streamline your workflow, enhance collaboration, and provide the security you need to protect your data.

Fast, secure file storage
Your documents are securely stored and always accessible. No more worrying about data loss - we take care of you.
Simple file and microsite sharing
Share one document or multiple documents with a single link trough a secure and easy-to-use interface.
Real-time analytics
Track document interactions, measure performance and make decisions based on real data, not guesswork.
Flexible access settings
You can choose between private or public access, define your audience, and set passcode protection and more.
Passcode protected links
You can add an extra layer of security to your shared documents. Keep your data safe by requiring a passcode for access.
Audience management
Take full control of your document's audience. Know exactly who's viewing and engaging with your content.
Short link life-time
You can set time limits on your shared links, ensuring added security and confidentiality.
Custom domain
Brand your document sharing with a custom domain, reflecting your corporate identity.
Corporate branding
Showcase your professionalism by branding your shared documents with logos, colors, and other branding elements.

Get started with AttachDoc for free

Stop wasting time & start gaining valuable insights

Just start sending links to documents instead of attachments and valuable insights will start coming straight to your inbox.

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